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There are 60 cows per farm on average. 93% of the cow feed comes from the farm. 4% of organic farmers in May 2017, 6% by 2018. 100% of the cow feeding is traced 98% of the cow feeding is produced in France. 1 healthy cow produces quality milk. France is the world's 7th largest producer of milk. Milking takes 6 to 9 minutes per cow. 95% of French dairy farmers adhere to the charter of good practices. 99% of the cow's diet is vegetable, 1% mineral. A cow consumes between 50 and 80 kg of feed every day. On average, a cow produces of 24 liters of milk per day. A unique range of 1500 dairy products. Headphones are recommended to take full advantage of the experience.
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Animal health

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of antibiotic treatments are prescribed by a veterinarian, if their use is strictly necessary.

A cow in good health and high quality milk.

A cow that is well fed and well housed, is a cow in top condition that produces milk of high quality. For this reason, the farmer cares for the health of his animals, in particular during milking, a special moment with the animal. Before milking each cow, the farmer inspects the udder, the teats and the first streams of milk.

Before milking, the farmer prepares the udder of each cow; he cleans it so that it’s in sanitary condition. If the cow is ill and receives treatment veterinarian, the farmer notes it in his records. Its milk is left aside for the duration of its treatment, for a duration determined by the veterinarian. Beyond that, the milk is destroyed after a waiting period defined by the veterinarian.

Bovine diseases.

Farmers must be able to prove that their herd is healthy by carrying out regular screenings, either via the milk or blood from the animals. Governmental veterinary services carry out regular inspections.

3 - Health monitoring.

100% of French farms are visited at least once every three years by a state veterinary doctor.

He ensures compliance with sanitary regulations, the implementation of preventative practices for health risks, farming conditions and good health of the animals, as well as monitoring all records and accounts.


The veterinary doctor attending to the farm carries out a yearly farming health assessment, as well as a treatment protocol to monitor each disease which has been identified. Diseased animals are evidently cared for and to that end, farmers use medications prescribed by a veterinarian and are obligated to make note of all treatments used.

All French farmers are provided with a receipt for each medication prescribed. These receipts are retained for 5 years, for accountability purposes.

100% of treatments carried out on each head of cattle are noted in the livestock register, as well as the reason for treatment.

For all farmers adhering to the charter of best practices (95% of dairy farms).

  • All medications necessary for the good health of the livestock are kept in a sealed location, which is clean and orderly. Possession of expired medications is prohibited; the collection of medication, of their containers, and of all medical material is carried out by specialised organisations.
  • Farmers put in place a system of identification for treated animals (e.g. ankle straps, paint…) so as to ensure consumers are not sold milk or meat from an animal receiving treatment. That holds true throughout their treatment and for as long as any traces of medication remain in the animal (complying with the necessary waiting period).