In a farm, the stable (or barn) is the part of the building where the cows, calves, and heifers are housed. The stable is where the livestock lives.
In general, stables are made up of two main living areas: resting areas (straw-lined areas or free stalls, depending on the farm), where the cows also have access to food and water and exercise areas. Stable structures differ from one region to another, since buildings must account for local climate conditions. Ventilation is key to ensure the well-being of the cows. The stable must be properly ventilated, both to regulate temperature and to ensure that it’s not draughty.
The milking parlour is often located in the middle of the barn, at one end, or in an adjoining building.
Calves are housed in a nursery (or creche). Dry cows and heifers are kept in specific areas. Dividing the animals in this way makes it easier to manage feeding with more precision.